I wish to convey my thanks to your staff at the Yorkville Clinic who continually assist, motivate and support me in my weight-loss program. This has changed my life in terms of improved health, mobility and self-esteem. I have travelled abroad twice this summer, something I haven’t done for many years. I no longer apologize to the person next to me on the plane! When I travel on the buses in Toronto, people no longer avoid sitting next to me although this isn’t always an advantage! My knees no longer hurt and I no longer require injections in my left knee. I am impressed with the program and it is because of your staff, that I am motivated to continue this journey. I look forward to coming to the clinic where I always receive a warm welcome. I hope to meet my goal at the end of the year and continue with your maintenance program.


*Individual weight loss may vary. Call for details. Compliance with our program is required.