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In This Month’s Issue:
Getting the most from your program
Get to your goal weight:
Every patient has their own unique motivations for wanting to lose weight. Likewise, every patient comes in with their own ideas of how much weight they want or need to lose. But often, this amount is different from what we recommend to our patients as their Ideal Healthy Goal Weight, and they may fear that they cannot achieve that goal.
Administrative Professionals’ Day
“Administrative Professionals’ Day” is observed around the world on the last Wednesday of April to recognize the work of secretaries, administrative assistants, receptionists and other administrative support professionals.
Weight Loss Research News
Intensive medical treatment can reverse type 2 diabetes
March 15, 2017
Canadian researchers studied the effects of intensive medical intervention on patients with type 2 diabetes by randomly divided 83 type 2 diabetes patients into 3 study groups
World Health Day
April 7 is World Health Day. Every year, the
World Health Organization establishes a
theme for World Health Day to raise awareness and provide resources on a food-related topic.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
April is IBS Awareness Month. IBS is a very
common gastrointestinal disorder that affects how the bowel moves contents through our bodies, and how the brain interprets sensations in the bowel. Approximately five million Canadians currently live with IBS.
Recipes of the Month
Breakfast BELT Sandwich – Start your day off with a filling sandwich. (author: C.M.)
Omelet in a Bag – It’s springtime! Enjoy a fun egg dish. (Author: S.E.)
Clinic Hours Update
We have extended the hours at five more clinics
Effective Monday April 10, 2017
Barrie Clinic 74 Cedar Pointe Dr.
Erin Mills Clinic 6465 Millcreek Drive
Ajax Clinic 100 Westney Rd. S
Calgary South 12100 Macleod Trail SE
Crowfoot 150 Crowfoot Cres. N.W.
We’re Hiring!
We are always looking for skilled people to join our team. See available positions for Nurses & Medical Receptionists, Physicians, and Clinic Support & Administration.