At the Dr. Bernstein Diet & Health Clinics, we strive to make your weight loss experience a success.

We are pleased to announce the official launch of our new Interactive Electronic Diet Sheet, which is now available to active patients registered on our Patient Portal ( ).

If you are interested in using the new Diet Sheet on your smartphone, please go to our App page and download or update to the latest version.

With the new version of the App, you will be able to:
– record the foods you have eaten in the Diet Sheet
– select a food list item and an amount, or a recipe and a portion scale value.
– get immediate feedback if you are meeting minimum and maximum limits for each serving type.
– calculate how much of a food list item or recipe you have if you eat something that could make you exceed a serving limit.

Your Nurse will view your Diet Sheet Data during your daily visits and provide feedback and instruction as usual. The Nurse can also adjust your serving limits and maintenance reintroduction groups as needed, which will be reflected when you next launch the App. Two-week diet sheets can be viewed during your time with the nursing staff and can be printed from the Clinic if required.

We have provided a video on how to use the Diet sheet. The video is located on your portal at

-How to add Food and Recipes to Diet Sheet
-Understanding Serving Restrictions
-How to create Custom Recipes
-How to use the Weight Tracker
-How to add Favourites
-How to Record Measurements Arms Hips & Thighs
-How to Personalise Settings
-How to use the Shopping List

If you have, any questions or concerns email